
Round 1

  • THBT primary and secondary education systems should significantly increase their usage of game elements (eg, leaderboards, point systems) when teaching students
  • Round 2

  • THW require producers of large language models (LLMs) to pay companies for training data those models skim from the Internet when that data is not otherwise free
  • Round 3

  • THP the narrative that everyone should go to therapy over the narrative that therapy is only necessary for some people
  • Round 4

  • THBT it is in the interests of authoritarian regimes to use the "Anaconda in the Chandelier" method of repression rather than the "Law and Order" method of repression
  • Round 5

  • THBT Brazilian feminists should oppose government subsidies for cosmetic plastic surgery
  • Round 6

  • THW break up all large American defense companies (eg, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Palantir, etc.)
  • Octofinals

  • THBT governments should financially incentivize adults to cohabitate with their elderly parents
  • Quarterfinals

  • TH, as the BJP, would offer amnesty to violent separatist groups conditional on them participating peacefully in domestic politics
  • Semifinals

  • THBT the Bank of Japan should raise its interest rate
  • Grand Final

  • There are no motions available for this round.
  • Novice Semifinals

  • THBT indigenous advocacy in Canada should prioritize obtaining government support (eg, welfare schemes, hospitals near reservations) rather than obtaining legal recognition of indigenous law (ie, separate laws and legal processes developed by indigenous peoples to govern their relationships, manage their territory, and resolve conflicts)
  • Novice Finals

  • THBT India's export ban is in the interests of India